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Changing your device selection in endo.digital Uploader

This article assumes you have:

  • An endo.digital account – If you don’t have an account, ask your healthcare provider to send you an invitation to endo.digital .
  • Installed the latest version of the endo.digital Uploader. If you have not installed the endo.digital Uploader, you can download the latest version at https://dreamed-diabetes.com/uploader .

1. Changing or adding devices

  • Log into your endo.digital account in the endo.digital Uploader.
  • Click your name in the upper right corner and select “Choose Devices”
  • Add or remove your desired devices.
  • Click “Done” and resume uploading your devices.

If you need further assistance, contact DreaMed support: support@dreamed.ai

MKT-12153, Last updated on: June 19, 2023